
Rudolf Serkin, Leonid Kogan, Lorraine Hunt: mein Herze schwimmt im Blut.

What would you find in common between these three artists from different times, different origins, different backgrounds?

Well, let us find the answer in the cantata BWV 199 of Johann Sebastian Bach for solo soprano. The last one the Cantor wrote for a solo soprano and for me the most beautiful, most sensual, most risky of the entire corpus.

This is the cantata where the notion of faith is expressed in the most earthy, carnal, human, erotic way:

Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut,
Weil mich der Sünden Brut

In Gottes heilgen Augen

Zum Ungeheuer macht.

Und mein Gewissen fühlet Pein,

Weil mir die Sünden nichts

Als Höllenhenker sein.

Verhaßte Lasternacht!

Du, du allein

Hast mich in solche Not gebracht;

Und du, du böser Adamssamen,

Raubst meiner Seele alle Ruh

Und schließest ihr den Himm

Ach! unerhörter Schmerz!

Mein ausgedorrtes Herz

Will ferner mehr kein Trost befeuchten,

Und ich muß mich vor dem verstecken,

Vor dem die Engel selbst ihr Angesicht verdecken.

My heart swims in blood
because the brood of my sins
in God's holy eyes
makes me into a monster.
And my conscience feels pain
because my sins are nothing
but Hell's hangmen.
Detested night of vice!
You, you alone
have brought me into such distress;
and you, you evil seed of Adam,
rob my soul of all inner peace
and shut it off from heaven!
Ah! unheard of pain!
My withered heart
will in future be moistened by no comfort
and I must conceal myself from himbefore whom the angels themseves conceal their faces.


The illustration through the YouTube video, with Magdalena Kožená singing, is a proof that music is the most powerful - and therefore the most dangerous of all Arts - and it also tells you that the pious Bach should and would have been killed by the inquisition, would the musician have been catholic and would the religious squad have been smart enough to identify and recognize the power and the danger of this music.
Fortunately, Bach was not catholic and the religious censors weren't smart enough.

But, back to Rudolf Serkin, the mid eastern Europe Jew from the early XX Century emigrating to the USA when the barbarians started to destroy Humanity and Mankind in Europe, Leonid Kogan, the "little Abraham Lincoln" from Odessa, who behaved and lived knowing and showing that being a Russian musician was the most important thing on earth and Lorraine Hunt, the girl from California who was able to " to dig as deeply as possible into the character — to find all the grain in the wood".

These three are the epitome of  the Power and the Danger of Music as supreme Art.




That is why their loss is so burning after respectively 19, 28 and 5 years.

That is also why the Life and the Art expressed by their musicianship is also forever burning, like the Burning Bush

burningbush300.gif Burning bush image by TriZetBlu

1 comment:

  1. I've heard excerpts of this cantata sung by Arleen Auger (with H.Rilling on Hänssler). Very moving indeed. In general I'd agree with you that the best in music is more powerful that the best in other art forms. I've shared your love for the artists you mention, including Serkin's family and friends playing the Fifth Brandenburg. I've shared your love for the fire and I still share it sometimes.

    True art is recognizable by its sometimes tolerable ability to distract us from consciousness of the daily abyss. For some reason, your Burning Bush reminds me of Nero's Rome.
