
Eat, pray, love.

I have to admit, I am usually a good sport and an easy public: it is rather easy to make me happy with Art or....what an awful word....entertainment.

But, I have to admit I did enjoy a lot this delicious movie. Is it a sign of a "bad" mid-life crisis? or, after all, maybe Elisabeth Gilbert was spot on with her book.

What is the meaning of an individual life?

Balance, stupid....as Bill Clinton would have perfectly responded like he did during the 1992 US presidential election!

Yes, balance: a very nice word, provided you are able to put some content behind it, and Elisabeth Gilbert is just able to do that.

The movie is rather faithful to the book and Javier Bardem has been offered one of his best roles. He is dignified, strong, moving and...yes very lovable, and  Julia Roberts would have made the biggest mistake of her life not regaining her balance with him.

This movie, like the Italian wine is a ....therapist and...an excellent one!

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